Fr. Neil Walters, Pastor

Welcome to St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Catholic Parish in Lorain, Ohio. We are a small church with a big heart within the Cleveland Catholic Diocese. We are willing to work hard for God and welcome all Catholics and family members and friends. All people, both Catholic and Non-Catholic are invited to become members of St. Frances Xavier Parish.

People are searching for a friendly place to worship God and be strengthened and inspired by Scriptures and Sacraments. Our parishioners come from diversified ethnic backgrounds, personal histories, age, and states of life. We are a community who will welcome you, serve you, and help you to become closer to our Lord, Jesus Christ. As your Pastor and Parochial Vicar, we would like to help all parishioners and Catholics in the south side of Lorain to be prepared to receive the Sacraments of the Catholic Church. It is through the Sacraments that we have an intimate encounter with Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Fr. Russ Rauscher, Retired Parochial Vicar

For families with young children, we do offer the Parish School of Religion on Monday at 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. at St. Vincent de Paul Church (in person or online) This is the opportunity for families and youth to become rooted in our Catholic faith and culture. Religious education, whether you are a child, teen, or a parent, is important and should be ongoing.

Within this website we have included a brief but active history of the parish. We have included information on our parish’s patroness, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini. You will  also find information regarding stewardship, parish organizations and their contacts, and many opportunities to become involved. Suggestions for activities and parish functions are always welcome. You will also find a map of the parish as well.

We look forward to meeting you and serving you as Pastor and Parochial Vicar to help you grow in God’s grace. We welcome you to bring a friend or neighbor. St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Parish is first and foremost a place of worship.