July 10, 2021
Dear Parish Families,
This letter is to inform you of the St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Parish & St. Vincent de Paul Confirmation preparation program. Confirmation will be celebrated for the cluster parishes of Sacred Heart Chapel, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Parish and St. Vincent de Paul at Sacred Heart in April 2022. Our preparation is September- April.
Our Confirmation program is for all students entering grades 8-12 who desire the Sacrament. CHOSEN is the innovative program we use from Ascension Press. This DVD series uses relevant Catholic youth ministry speakers to unwrap the Sacrament in new and exciting ways. Our classes are held on Monday nights from 6:30-7:45PM starting September 20th. Due to the nature of this program, class attendance is vital to develop community and to have adequate preparation. We understand the sacrifice that families experience to make this happen for their children, and we greatly appreciate it.
We will be holding a parent and teen meeting on Monday August 30th at 6:00 PM in the Parish Library. At this meeting, we will cover registration, explain our program and expectations, and answer any questions you may have. If you are not able to attend this meeting or your child will not be participating this year please let my office know by calling 440-324-4212 or email jprosak@saintfrancesxcabrini.org. Enclosed you will find a registration form and a schedule. The Registration form can be returned before the date or brought to our meeting. Cost of the program is $30. If you should have any questions feel free to contact me. I look forward to see you there!
God Bless you and your families,
Jackie Prosak
DRE/Youth Minister
SVDP/SFXC Parishes
Confirmation Schedule
Confirmation Schedule 2020-2021
Class: Mondays 6:30-7:45pm
In The Library
41295 North Ridge Road
Elyria, Oh 44035
Director Of Religious Education
Jackie Prosak
*** Please Note ***
All Classes And Scheduled Programs Are Subject To Change Due To Covid, Weather, And Other Circumstances.
Sept. 20— Class
Opening Family Mass/ Parent Meeting
Sept. 27— Class
Oct. 4— Class
Oct. 11– Class
Oct. 18— Class
Oct. 25— Class Saint Name Due
Nov. 1— Class
Nov. 8— Family Night – All Saints Meet in Social Hall
Nov. 15— Class
Nov. 22— No Class
Nov. 29– Class
Dec. 6— Class
Dec. 13— Class All PSR Adoration
Jan. 3—class
Jan. 10— Class
Jan. 17– No Class/ MLK Day
Jan. 24– Class
Jan. 31-Class
Feb. 7— Class
Feb. 14— Class
Feb. 21— No Class President’s Day
Feb. 28— Class
Mar. 7— Class
Mar. 14— Class
Mar. 21— No Class Spring Break
Mar. 28— Class
Apr. 4— Class
Apr. 11— Last Class
Confirmation Mass 6:00 pm @ Sacred Heart Chapel-Lorain
Confirmation Preparation begins each year in September
The Sacrament is held at one of our three cluster parishes: Sacred Heart Chapel, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Parish and St. Vincent de Paul
This year it is being held a Sacred Heart Chapel in April.
The program that we use is called CHOSEN. It is by Ascension press and combines relevant and dynamic Youth Ministry Catholic speaker videos and discussions to unite young people in their faith and prepare them for the Sacrament.
Our classes are held in our parish Library on Mondays. We have discussions, games, a retreat, service projects, Liturgical experiences, and more.
Some Class are in person and there is a portion of work at home.
Confirmation preparation begins in the 8th grade and above.