Parish Rectory
Mission Statement:

The purpose of the Altar & Rosary Society is threefold:
- To promote devotion to our Blessed Mother.
- To encourage a friendly spirit among the women of the parish.
- To aid in the supplying of sanctuary needs: such as altar breads, linens, and maintaining the inside appearance of the church.
In the forming of St. Frances Cabrini Altar & Rosary Society, an opportunity exists for all ladies of the parish (regardless of age), to consider becoming active members.
We offer fellowship and spiritual support, and in that, our reward is knowing we have fulfilled our obligation.
With your help and the help of Mary, our Blessed Mother, new life will come into the organization, not only for our own spiritual gain, but for the spiritual enrichment of the entire parish as well.
We have a mass the first Saturday of each month, when members generally attend as a group. Our meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month in Cabrini Hall.
If you wish to consider this ministry or you would like more information, please contact the parish rectory at 440-277-2766.