The Pastoral Council assists the Pastor with long-range planning that promotes the mission of the parish. Members are either nominated by the Parish or appointed by the Pastor.
Pastoral Councils are a response to Vatican II’s call for greater lay participation in the life of the local church. It is a representative body of parishioners who are elected and appointed for a three-year term. Council members must be at least 18 years old and registered in the parish. They function within a shared leadership model with the pastor and staff to support the spiritual growth of the parish community. The Pastoral Council provides visionary leadership and a consultative resource. Meetings are at 6:00 PM on the third Tuesday of the month in Cabrini Hall. Matters relating to various aspects of parish life are planned and discussed.
Meetings are open to registered parishioners. However, if you wish to address the group, you are asked to contact the Pastor at least two weeks in advance in order to be placed on the agenda.
You are welcome to contact any Pastoral Council member to have an issue brought up at their next meeting.

Meet our members:
- Don Arty – President
- Chuck Vidovich – Vice President
- Kathy Machado – Secretary
- Regina Arredondo
- Linda Arty
- Joanna Findley
- John Findley
- Barb Gorenshek
- Dave Paskvan
- Ray Arroyo
- Derik Wilhelm